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125+ Best Free Social Media Icons Buttons (Chapter XIII).

Web treat is a set of 125 best premium and free social media icons and button sets download collection.

Social media icons play such a huge role in driving traffic to your blog or website.

Over the past several months many other blogs have compiled their list of website, social media, Twitter and other icons, so in case you missed them here is the motherload collection!

They have really become a “must have” feature. This large collection of recently released icon sets is supposed to help designers improve their designs on their web sites and in web applications.


500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

When I first stumbled across David Ferreira‘s portfolio on ThemeForest, I couldn’t resist buying his Vcard Template, even though I didn’t plan on using it, but after I saw the amazing icons he designed for this template, first thing that came to my mind was to contact David regarding a collaboration with WPZOOM.


SSocial and Web Buttons Pack

A collection of attractive social and web buttons perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages. Display your social networks and encourage connections. Quality buttons for only $2, this price won’t be beaten. Transparent .PNG and layered .PSD file are included.


Social Buttons Pack

Social Buttons are perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages.
Social Buttons in one layered and named PSD file. File includes 17 social buttons in “link” and “hover” positions. Easy change size & color!


Social Network Icon Pack – KomodoMedia

Introducing 100+ ridiculously rad social networking icons, skillfully hand-hewn and lovingly crafted for you. I’ve developed over 100 refined, amazing social networking icons for the top networks around. They’re all the rage with you crazy newsk00l intarweb kids. Use them on your blogs. Put them on t-shirts, coffee mugs, your face-space or whatevs.


Post Pic Curly Vector Social Icons

This set contains eight social icons plus one RSS icon.
The Icons are available in Following Formats. .AI, .CDR, .EPS and .PNG.
The icons were created by using CorelDraw 11 and export to Illustrator.
Please report, if you have any problem with the Illustrator file.


Set of social icons no.4

Set of social icons no.4


Handycons 2

Handycons 2 – icon set containing 20 more hand drawn icons. This time it is not limited just to socail media related icons. Package contains Facebook, Blinklist, Feedburner, Flickr, FriendFeed, Furl, Gmail, Google, Heart icon, Last FM, Linked IN, Magnolia, Newsvine, PayPal, Skype, Sphinn, Twitter, Vimeo, Yahoo and You Tube icons. All icons come in four sizes: 16×16, 32×32, 64×64 and 12x128px.


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