- What search terms are Canadian visitors using to find my site?
- Which US states do I get most traffic from?
- Which pages on my site are most popular with visitors from London, England?
The “Filter” feature makes it easier for you to answer these questions and many others too. Let’s look at an example…
Keyword Analysis – Filter
Click “filter” on the Keyword Analysis page to access the available filters for this statistic.
The available filters will be displayed like this:
Use the “search term” filter to isolate keywords (or groups of keywords). In the example below, a bakery website uses this filter to examine those keywords in their stats which include the term “cake”.
Use the “entry page” filter to identify which keywords result in hits to specific entry pages (aka “landing pages”) of your site. In the example below, we examine which keywords result in hits to the Spanish language landing page on the bakery website.
It’s also possible to combine filters. For example, our bakery can examine all keywords containing the term “cake” which result in hits to the Spanish language page on their site. They simply apply both the “search term” and “entry page” filters to their stats like this:
Use the “pageviews per visit” filter to exclude bounce visits (visits with only a single hit). This helps you to identify keywords which result in visitors viewing two or more pages of your site.
Bounce visits occur when a visitor enters your site then “bounces” away again having only viewed one page on your site. (Although often considered a negative, bounce visits may not necessarily be a bad thing… but that’s a blog post for another day )
Use the “labelled visitors” filter to isolate the keywords used by the visitors you have labelled within your StatCounter project (Note: the “labelled visitors” filter is hidden if you haven’t yet labelled any visitors in your project).
Use the “country” filter to review the keywords used to find your site by visitors from a specific country.
Filters are available on all of the most popular stats pages on StatCounter, and some stats pages have extra filters relevant to the stat in question. We’ll be continuing to expand the range of filters available as well as the stats pages that are covered by filters.
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