I recently got a new pc and it comes with the new Win8 OS installed. Unfortunately it's the basic version ( of course! ) so I thought of upgrading it for a full experience. I was amazed by the discovery I found: apart from being expensive, which led me to take in account for a downgrade to Win7 (the current OS I'm using and familiar with) the Pro version brings along a downgrade path but I'll have to pay for both; the pro version and the Win7. Go Figure! For all the talk about the advantages of Windows 8 over Windows 7—for example, account sync, better multiple monitor support, and faster startup times—some people just can't get past Windows 8's radical shift in user interface. Some may even want to ditch Windows 8 altogether in favor of Windows 7 after spending a few days with the new OS. In a Monday blog post, usability expert Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group explained in excruciating detail exactly why and how Windows 8 is difficult to use. It wa...