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The Most Popular Post of November 2013 from The World of Windows.

1.- Instagram comes to Windows Phone.

Windows-Phone-7-Mango-FeaturesThe long awaited Instagram app has finally launched for Windows Phone, leaving numerous Windows Phone fans whooping for joy. The popular photo editing app which first appeared in the App Store in 2010, and has since revolutionised smartphone photography.  Over 150 million users have downloaded the app, which is now owned by Facebook, and soon Windows Phone apps will be able to wonder in the delights that Instagram has to offer too. According to the Windows Phone website, the app allows users to take photos and videos using the app itself, though some suers have already reported difficulty doing the latter. A spokesperson from Instagram has revealed that this is not the finished version, however, and additional features and functions will be added to Instagram for Windows Phone as an on-going development.

2.- Why 'One Microsoft' also means one Windows - for everyone.

windows-8-blue-start-screen-customization-640x353There's a lot of buzz around recent statements by Julie Larson-Green, at last week's UBS Technology Conference in Sausalito, where executive VP of Microsoft's devices and studios said "We have the Windows Phone OS. We have Windows RT and we have full Windows. We're not going to have three." Many commentators have suggested that she's saying that Windows RT will be going away. But her next couple of sentences (and much of what else she said) are just as important, as they seem to indicate a very different - and much wider - future for Windows. "We do think there's a world where there is a more mobile operating system that doesn't have the risks to battery life, or the risks to security. But, it also comes at the cost of flexibility. So we believe in that vision and that direction and we're continuing down that path." It's clear then that Microsoft's commitment to a sealed-case OS like WinRT isn't going to go away.

3.- Using Windows Flip 3D.

Picture of Windows Flip 3DWith Windows Flip 3D, you can quickly preview all of your open windows (for example, open files, folders, and documents) without having to click the taskbar. Flip 3D displays your open windows in a stack. At the top of the stack, you'll see one open window. To see other windows, you can flip through the stack.

Windows Flip 3D

To switch windows using Flip 3D
  1. Click the Switch between windows button Picture of the Switch between windows button on the taskbar to open Flip 3D.

  2. Click a window in the stack to display that window, or click outside the stack to close Flip 3D without switching windows. You can also rotate the wheel on your mouse to quickly cycle through the open windows.

4.- 5 Thunderbird Add-Ons That Will Make it Better Than Gmail.

thunderbirdlogoFor many years, I switched between a whole range of email clients. First I went with Outlook Express. Then I bought a new computer and decided to test the waters with Thunderbird. Once Gmail became popular, I became an avid Gmail user for years. More recently, I’ve started experimenting with Thunderbird again. I keep gravitating back to Thunderbird, because of all email clients it really appears to be the most powerful and robust, with the ability to easily handle and organize as many email accounts as you want,

The one thing that always bothered me about Thunderbird though, compared to using Gmail, is the fact that Gmail simply does a better job at organizing email threads. Only recently did I learn that there are actually a number of very cool Thunderbird add-ons that make Thunderbird rival even Gmail in terms of simplicity and organization.

5.- 12 jQuery 3D Image Slider & Gallery.

3DFlippingCircleIn this jQuery collection we share some great jQuery 3d image gallery and image slider.Free jQuery Plugins.

1. 3D Flipping Circle with CSS3 and jQuery.

The idea is based on the sweet paper effect found in the video of the Google Developer Stories. Maybe you have created these kind of paper effects when you were a kid; basically something opens or rotates when pulling or pushing some handle. In this tutorial we will create a jQuery triple panel image slider with a 3D look. The idea is to have a main panel and two lateral panels that are rotated slightly in 3D space. When navigating, we will slide in the respective next image in each panel. We’ll be using CSS 3D Transforms with perspective and CSS Transitions.

6.- The Most Popular Post of September 2013 from The World of Windows.

1. W3C Markup Validation Services10 Free Online UI Testing Tools For Web Designers and Developers.

The most vital step beforehand launching a website is Website Testing. Website Testing means that we require run our website over all essential tests like Responsive Design Test, Security Test, Accessibility Test, Cross Browser Compatibility, Website Speed Test etc. Website Testing has an excessive influence on Cross Platform Tests SEO, Search Engine Ranking, Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Design of Web Pages, Improved Security etc. So it is very vital for web developers, to test a website before launching it.There are many amazing tools everywhere which are being used by web developers to carry out Website Testing and recognize associated complications.

7.- Create Polls In Windows 8 With Poll Perfect.

Create Polls In Windows 8 With Poll PerfectPoll Perfect is a very useful app that is located in the productivity section of the Windows Store and it is completely free. You can create polls in Windows 8 and take surveys with amazing ease with Poll Perfect. The app has been optimized for touching and swiping through the interface of the app. The process through which you can create polls in Windows 8 is extremely simple and when you take a survey using this app the reports are shown on-site in a very simple and easy to understand The app is fast and simple, you can create surveys with this free app within minutes. The app offers you  the ability to create different types of question that includes simple yes or no question to multiple choice questions. The app allows you to save and carry multiple polls on the device and when a survey is completed the data is stored within the app itself. This free polling app for Windows 8 also allows you to import and export data as well.

8.- 4 Type of Popular Post Widget For Blogger Blog.

Popular Post Widget in Blogger blog plays an important role to increase traffic because all of your popular posts which increased your traffic and get indexed by google will be visible to your visitors and readers.and hence it must appear stylish and beautiful.that is why Popular Post Widget in Blogger blog has an this post we have provided you 4 type of popular post widget.these are some of the best popular post widget and very stylish popular post widget for blogger below article you will get animated popular post widget for blogger blog,Stylish popular post widget for blogger blog,Multicolored popular post widget for blogger blog and one of the top and best popular post widget for blogger blog.

9.- The Most Popular Post of August 2013 from The World of Windows.

microsoft-sede-redmondBallmer Exits: Microsoft Inks Deal With ValueAct That May Lead To Board Seat.

Today Microsoft announced that it has reached a “cooperation agreement” with ValueAct Capital, an investment company that had been a thorn in its side. It was said that ValueAct wanted a seat on Microsoft’s board. Instead, Microsoft and ValueAct have come to a different agreement, in which the president of ValueAct – Mason Morfit – and Microsoft directors will meet to talk over issues relating to the company. Morfit will also be given a chance at joining the board, after the company’s annual shareholder meeting. ValueAct owns 0.8% of Microsoft’s outstanding shares. It’s a hefty investment, one that is large enough for the investor to command the attention of the company’s board.

10.- 10 Free Online UI Testing Tools For Web Designers and Developers

1. W3C Markup Validation ServicesThe most vital step beforehand launching a website is Website Testing. Website Testing means that we require run our website over all essential tests like Responsive Design Test, Security Test, Accessibility Test, Cross Browser Compatibility, Website Speed Test etc. Website Testing has an excessive influence on Cross Platform Tests SEO, Search Engine Ranking, Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Design of Web Pages, Improved Security etc. So it is very vital for web developers, to test a website before launching it. There are many amazing tools everywhere which are being used by web developers to carry out Website Testing and recognize associated complications.

Here, we have listed 10 great tools which you may make use of to test your website.

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