About 8GadgetPack 8GadgetPack is an utility that installs the original Gadget program files on Windows 8 / 8.1. FAQ I want to upgrade / already upgraded to Windows 8.1. Will 8GadgetPack still work after the upgrade? If you have Version 7 or later installed, yes. If not you should update 8Gadgetpack to the current version. Simply download the installer and run it. No need to uninstall first. You can also do this after you have upgraded to Windows 8.1. All gadget settings should remain. You should note though that Windows 8.1 introduced a bug that prevents gadgets to work if you have a high dpi setting enabled. I enabled a workaround in 8Gadgetpack to disable DPI scaling for Gadgets in Windows 8.1. So the gadgets keep working, but depending on your DPI scaling they might look smaller than they did on Windows 8. Microsoft probably won't fix this, but I keep trying to make a better workaround. Is it free? Yes, completely I didn't really use gadge...