Google has released an alternative to the Facebook and Twitter Sharing buttons named +1. If you like something that you find on the web, you can hit the +1 button, and your + 1's will help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search. This tutorial will guide you on adding the same to your Blogger Blog . Checkout this video to know more about the +1 button: Why Should I add the Google +1 Button? 1. The Plus one button will have a major impact on your Search results. When a friend of yours does a search in Google, your +1s will count. 2. You can get a detailed report about the +1 metric and how it affects your search traffic over at Webmaster Tools. You can read more about it at the Official Google Webmaster Blog - Adding Google Plus one (+1) button to Blogger. 1. If you are already using the official Blogger Sha...